Expert Sciatica Treatment

Effective, Non-Surgical, Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment

20+ Years Of Results - We Can Help

     Why Do You Have Sciatica Pain        

Our process includes finding and attacking the actual root CAUSE of your Sciatica pain. This is why so many have found relief with our therapies, even though other therapies didn’t work. Even those with a chronic  history of chronic pain have experienced significant relief.

We Use An All-Natural Approach to Relieve you of Sciatica Pain Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About

our doctor may have told you that you have to live with your chronic pain and accompanying symptoms or “this is as good as it gets”. That doesn’t mean there’s no treatment, it just means your doctor has run out of ideas or there aren’t conventional treatments available. We find that people who don’t respond well to conventional treatment often respond very well to our natural approach.

We Keep It Simple And Results Are Quick

Feeling better and boosting your body’s natural healing resources does not have to be difficult or take a long time. Simple, targeted lifestyle and diet changes, along with our targeted natural therapies, are a very clear and concise way to attack the problem head on, and patients often see improved energy and mood within DAYS not WEEKS or MONTHS.

Our Approach ALWAYS Includes Emotional Well Being

Stress, anxiety and depression are often key components in chronic pain. We do not ignore this, we actually teach you very simple ways to enhance sleep and relaxation which supports your body’s natural healing system.

We Help You Awaken Your Body's Natural Healing Abilities

Despite what you may have been led to believe, your body is not “broken” and it IS possible to have energy, focus, and joy again. That’s because your body never forgets how to heal itself. It just needs the right support. Your body makes its own internal endorphins/opioids substances and medicines, and our therapies help it do just that.

We Focus on How You FEEL - Not Just Lab Reports

While everyone else is looking at pieces of paper with numbers, and not listening to you – WE focus on YOU, your story, and how you feel.  Are you able to participate in your daily activities without pain? Can you sleep throughout the night and wake up full of energy? THAT is OUR focus. NOT more expensive, unnecessary lab tests.

Your initial consultation is FREE. Come meet us in person and learn more.

My experiences with Shifu Ahles have been one of compassion,honesty and professionalism.I Believe in his skill in Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. I've been to other acupuncturist however I consider Shifu Ahles to be one of the best.He did not let me leave from the acupuncture treatment I was receiving until I felt 100% pain free.I was amazed at the results. I continue to see him for Herbs and herbal consultations and the results have been effective.He said to follow the program he laid out for me, take my herbs.exercise, be patient and I'd see the results. I'm very grateful for his guidance. Raplh, 65 Retired

Raplh, 65 Retired

Back injuries are by no means any fun. Anyone who has experienced issues with herniated discs or lower back pain knows that it’s a very painful and extremely unsettling experience. When I went to Results Acupuncture (Shifu Ahles), his acupuncture treatments gave me immediate relief. More importantly, he worked with me to strengthen my back to help minimize any further injury. Before my visits, two other members of my family with different issues benefited from this practice. Many of us seek medical attention with a break-fix attitude, Shifu Ahles guides you with a holistic approach of having you’re the patient take ownership, and for your long term health.

Sherwood, 54 yo, - Engineer

Ultimately, Shifu is an excellent diagnostician. He is able to identify problems within the body using pulse reading, and asks the right questions to further understand where the problems are coming from.
It's true, that using Chinese herbs and acupuncture is very different than western medicine, but it has given me a whole new appreciation for the way our bodies work, and the way they respond to food and the environment.

Emma, 35, Music Teacher

After meeting with Shifu, he reassured me and I decided to take the leap. It was the best decision I could have made as aches and pains disappeared and my overall mental health improved drastically. My fear of needles has dissipated and I look forward to appointments as I know I will feel like a different person after. The office is clean and staff are super warm and welcoming. Highly recommend them!

Kristien, 32, Therapist

Ray cured a few ailments the doctors were stymied by. I had a bad case of migraines which made me so dizzy I would fall over. To compound that I was working on 5 months of insomnia!

I was a mess. Within 1 treatment my insomnia went away and after a few months the dizziness.

Walking in I was a complete skeptic. I was told by the medical professionals my issues needed more drugs. The kept prescribing all sorts of medicines that dulled my senses. And for an active 50 something was not acceptable.

So my wife met Ray at a women's health conference and mentioned my issues. He said he could help. I did the right thing by taking a leap of faith. Never looked back. Haven't been dizzy nor had insomnia for 2 years and counting....

Sam, 33yo

In the two months I have been at Results Acupuncture, I have been sleeping better, eating better, have lost weight, and the pains with which I began...are gone. I have had several people say "You look fantastic!" and I feel younger than my 73 years!
Eastern medicine is slowly making its way into a relationship with western medicine and the impact can only be positive.
The acupuncture is painless and having had experience elsewhere, I can say that Shifu is tops. He explains what he is doing and answers any questions. He also has clarified point I can use for acupressure when an issue arises at home. I have recommended him to several friends.

Debbie, 73yo, Retired Teacher

In August of 2017 I began seeing Shifu Raymond Ahles to see if his holistic methods of using acupuncture and herbs would help me with fatigue, low energy and restless feet. After reading my pulse, he told me what he observed and prescribed herbs and acupuncture and a change in diet containing more protein and fats (certain ones) green leafy vegetables and no grain but including squash and sweet potatoes. My energy level increased over time, and I found that his treatment especially when I had lung issues such as bronchitis or upper respiratory problems.
I joined a chigong class for a while hr helped me build strength, coordination, and balance, which techniques I still practice, and I listened to his meditations. All these things helped increase my physical health and sense of well-being, and, Shifu encourages me to contact him if I had a specific health problem if it was between regular visit—at no extra cost!
I find it enlightening to be able to take advantage of the benefits of Eastern as well as traditional medicine.

Nate, 73

Your initial consultation is FREE. Come meet us in person and learn more.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR COVID: If you are not comfortable coming into the office for your free consultation, we are happy to do it via ZOOM. Simply let us know your preference when scheduling it. Questions? No problem, call us at 423-239-7044 and we will be happy to answer them.

*Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

Why Use Acupuncture For Sciatica Pain?

Once a thorough examination including asking a lot of questions about your experience of pain is completed, your practitioner may also take your pulse at several places on both of your wrists. He or she will take a look at your tongue and its shape, color and any coating.  General observation of your skin, posture, and other characteristics will give an overall impression of your health.

The actual treatment itself consists of your practitioner inserting very thin needles at certain points on your body. These needles can then be twirled or jiggled. There should be very little, if any, pain when the needles are inserted. After all the needles are in, you’ll rest for a period of time. Your practitioner will take the needles out after that resting time is over.

At Results Acupuncture & Healing Arts Center, we usually know within 1-3 treatments if this treatment will work for you. When we have a good idea of how responsive you are, we’ll be able to estimate how many sessions will be needed to help you with your pain.

Is Acupuncture Effective or Sciatica?

Short answer: yes, for some types of pain and for some people.

Acupuncture is most effective on pain that comes from neuromuscular sources. There is evidence that acupuncture works to reduce the pain from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and myofascial pain. Research has shown its effectiveness on the pain from trigeminal neuralgia (tic doloreux) and TMJ pain.

Postoperative pain has always been a major difficulty for physicians. More than 85% of patients report significant pain following surgery. The opioid medications typically used to treat this pain have very uncomfortable side effects. Using acupuncture has been shown to reduce the discomfort of these side effects and also has been shown to reduce the experience of pain following surgery.

When used as an added treatment with traditional pain medications in the treatment of low back pain, acupuncture brings some additional relief. Other research has shown acupuncture to be effective in reducing pain of migraine headaches and arthritis, as well.

One of the major benefits of using acupuncture for pain relief is the very low rate of complications resulting from the procedure. Overall, acupuncture is a very safe procedure.

At Results Acupuncture, Shifu Raymond Ahles will provide you the most up-to-date pain relief treatment possible using acupuncture. His professional training included extensive classroom and clinical hours leading to his licensure and board certification in acupuncture.

How To Begin

Private Consultation

Tell us your story, let us know why you are here and the results you are looking for. What does a anxiety free life look to you? 

Develop you unique treatment Plan

We will then go over the specific plan that was designed specifically to your body and it's needs. We will then add any extra workshops you might need.


Now things will start changing, we will meet with you and have continuous discussions on your progress. If needed we will begin a accountability program or any other  regimen.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take until I start getting results?

Results vary with each patient and with that being said, depending on the duration, severity and nature of the complaint. You can feel relief during the very first session, some acute and degenerative conditions may take longer. Although the acupuncturist will know by your 3rd treatment if Acupuncture is the way to go for your healing.

What can I expect at the consult?

The acupuncturist will feel your pulse, by doing this he will be able to tell how your organs and you body is functioning, this is a very unique procedure, it is done by feeling your wrist. The Acupuncturist will then explain what he feels and you will then discuss what brought you here. He will then set you up with three initial visits the fist one including information of how Acupuncture and herbs can help you.

Does Acupuncture hurt?

This is our most common question since people associate needles with pain, the acupuncture needles are a thick as a dogs whisker. You will feel a little prick when inserted and then that's it. Some patience feel a sensation throughout their body and some feel nothing at all. many patience fall asleep during the session and feel relaxed and energized when their treatment is over.

How many treatments will I need?

This depends on the duration, severity and nature of the complaint. Some acute conditions many only require a few treatments and some degenerative conditions may require as many as 40 treatments. However, the patient should expect that their major complaint will be addressed and treated in a direct and timely manner.

*Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

Your initial consultation is FREE. Come meet us in person and learn more.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR COVID: If you are not comfortable coming into the office for your free consultation, we are happy to do it via ZOOM. Simply let us know your preference when scheduling it. Questions? No problem, call us at 423-239-7044 and we will be happy to answer them.

*Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).