You Are On Your Way To Great Health!
Once your appointment is booked you will receive a conformation email and we will contact you the same day or at the latest the next business day.
If you have any questions please feel free to call us at 423-239-7044.
For Zoom appointments you will be sent specific instructions on how to set up your call.
THANK YOU, we look forward to meeting you soon to discuss your case and begin on a plan of action.
Raymond Ahles
Don't Hesitate your Health is Waiting...
All prospective patients will have a free one-on-one consultation with the acupuncturist, you will get a Pulse Diagnosis (click here for further information) and you will be able to discuss your case. This is a great time for you to get familiar with us, our clinic, our procedures and we can answer any of your questions.
Once the practitioner feels comfortable that you are a good candidate for treatment at our clinic you will then have the opportunity to schedule your full intake appointment which includes your case details and your medical history.
Don't hesitate make your appointment today, we wouldn't want you to miss out at feeling great.
COVID 19 - If your not comfortable coming in, no problem we offer Zoo m/Telehealth appointments.
We have an extensive Herbal Pharmacy and many aliments can be helped and cured with the use of Chinese Herbs.
Please book your Zoom calls on Thursday only.

Telehealth Appointments